UHY Strengthens Presence in South America 9 December, 2014 by dominique New member firm in Ecuador joins the network Global accountancy network UHY extends its coverage within the South American region by appointing Assurance & Services...
India: pipedream or reality? 9 December, 2014 by dominique India gives a whole new meaning to diversity. Will growth create one urban middle class whose interests transcend region, caste, religion by 2022?...
ASEAN: A region of complexities and contradictions 9 December, 2014 by dominique With a rising economic profile, investors are examining one of the world’s most diverse, fast-moving and competitive regions...
Mexico: the new middle way 9 December, 2014 by dominique Mexico is on the move, empowered not just by large modern firms but small to medium-sized (SME) traditional businesses that are stepping up to take...
Top earners in Western Europe hit with bigger tax bills than their global peers 3 November, 2014 by dominique Eastern Europe and emerging economies offer most generous tax regimes for higher earners. Western European economies hit their highest earners with 25% more in tax...
Bank lending in G7 stagnates 4 August, 2014 by dominique Bank lending to the private sector in the G7 group of economies has stagnated in the last year, increasing by just 0.1% in real terms,...
Shift in the global economic balance 20 June, 2014 by dominique The economic balance between developed and emerging economies is shifting, reversing trends of the past five years...
Mobile money: the tantalising potential 20 June, 2014 by dominique Sub-Saharan Africa offers a tantalising prospect for mobile financial investors...
Key industry sectors for global growth 20 June, 2014 by dominique Which industry sectors will thrive over the next five years? Where are growth opportunities to be found around the globe for both local and foreign...
European Companies Struggling with the World’s Highest Fuel Costs 6 May, 2014 by dominique 60% tax on petrol gives Britain, France and Germany some of the highest pump prices worldwide. Some emerging economies benefit from 0% fuel tax, or even...