Pressure to deliver more for less against a backdrop of policies, regulations, budget constraints and demographic changes have created an extremely challenging landscape for the public sector.

Member firms from the UHY network are helping a wide range of public sector organisations  deal with both the significant financial issues faced but also to embrace opportunities to develop more effective ways to plan and finance services.

Working in partnership to build better services

Specialists from UHY member firms work in partnership with clients including local and central government departments, housing providers and administrative bodies.

They are able to draw on experience across the sector - including best practice developed throughout the world - to help clients improve service delivery and minimise costs.

UHY member firms have also worked with organisations to help them develop public-private partnership (PPP) arrangements which can provide innovative ways of financing projects and delivering services particularly in education, housing and health.  Our experts globally have both the knowledge and experience needed to help clients find suitable partners, negotiate contracts and to manage the partnership process through to completion.